Sphinx of Wisdom Program

Sphinx of Wisdom

The two limestone Sphinxes flanking the front entrance to the House of the Temple in Washington, D.C., are adorned with inscriptions in both Phoenician characters and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The sphinxes symbolize the two pillars—Jachin and Boaz—that stood at the entrance of Solomon’s Temple. The Sphinx of Wisdom (pictured here), with its eyes half-closed, has the Hebrew name “Jachin” inscribed in Phoenician on each side of its pedestal. The Egyptian hieroglyphics carved on the front mean “to establish.” In this spirit, we established this program to support the Appendant Bodies Achievement Grants and Masonic Youth Performance Grants that will go directly to deserving Masonic groups that are working to strengthen themselves through the approved criteria provided by the Supreme Council, 33°, A. & A.S.R. of Freemasonry, S.J., USA.

For a tax-deductible contribution of $100 or more, you will receive a beautiful certificate from the Supreme Council that may be in honor or in memory of a Brother, loved one, or friend. All contributions through this program will go to the Scottish Rite Foundation, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Inc. (SRF), and every dollar received through it will be paid out by way of these two grant programs. We highly recommend and encourage the presentation of the certificates at stated meetings, reunions, feasts and other events. You may request that the certificate be mailed to your Valley, your home, or the home of the recipient. Please consider donating to help the Scottish Rite in this important endeavor.

How to Contribute


Donate Now.

Select the Scottish Rite Foundation and then choose “Grant Programs.”

By Mail

Please send your check payable to the Scottish Rite Foundation, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Inc., to:

Development Office

House of the Temple

1733 16th Street NW

Washington, DC 20009.

Please be sure to include “Scottish Rite Sphinx of Wisdom” in the memo line.