Disaster Relief
The Scottish Rite, SJ, is dedicated to helping victims of natural disasters such as fires, floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes. Through the Scottish Rite Foundation, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc.,the Supreme Council provides direct relief to disaster victims and works with other Masonic groups to provide additional assistance.
100% of all donations will go to the relief of deserving families in the affected areas.
Please Help Us Replenish Our Fund!
With your generous support, the SRF was able to give thousands of dollars in aid to disaster victims in Hawaii and California over the past year; however, we now need to rebuild our reserves, so we can assist in future relief efforts.
You can make a gift right away via the “Donate” button below. You also can help us by spreading the word to your Brethren, family, and friends.
On the donation form, please be sure to select the “Scottish Rite Foundation, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Inc.,” and choose “National Disaster Relief.”
If you would prefer to give by mail, please make checks payable to the “Scottish Rite Foundation, SJ, USA, Inc.,” and include “Disaster Relief” in the memo line.
Mailing Address:
- Development Office
- Attn.: Disaster Relief
- 1733 16th Street NW
- Washington, DC 20009
Image: View of the harbor at Lahaina, Maui, after a major wildfire in August 2023. Source: U.S. Coast Guard Hawai’i Pacific District 14 via Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain, Cropped)