Supreme Council Strategic Plan
The Scottish Rite Strategic Vision and Desired End State
It is the Vision of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, SJ to be a robust fraternal organization with a stable membership; financially secure in all domains; and recognized, respected, and valued by its members, the Masonic world, and the public at large for its ideals, values, philanthropy, and positive contributions it makes to its members and communities in which they reside and work
The Scottish Rite Strategic Objectives
To achieve the Strategic Vision or End State)
Strategic Objective 1:
Improve membership trends in each Orient by increasing new members and reinstatements while decreasing NPDs and demits.
Strategic Objective 2:
Enhance financial strength via effective Finance and Development efforts and increasing membership endeavors.
Strategic Objective 3:
Have a recognized and respected Public Image that is valued by its members, the Masonic world, and the communities in which each member resides.
(Improve Membership trends in each Orient by increasing new members and reinstatements while decreasing NPDs and demits.)
Operational Strategies that support and must be accomplished to achieve Strategic Objective 1:
- Effective, coordinated, and synergistic Membership focused Programs, Tools, or Processes (PTPs).
- Active, effective, and committed leadership (individual and committee) at all levels (Supreme Council, Orient, and Valley) to provide guidance, stability, and ultimate success of Membership focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs.
- Effective, coordinated, and synergistic Strategic Communication plans and execution that support Membership focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTP’s.
Membership focused Programs, Tools, and Processes (PTPs) that support the Operational Strategies (in priority order):
- VMAP – VMAP participation by every Valley.
- VMAP Way Ahead – Executive VMAP Way Ahead Document via a VMAP Strategic Plan.
- Membership and all other Committees – Active, effective, and committed Supreme Council Committees that each have at least a Mission Statement and stated Goals.
- Strategic Communications Team – Active, effective and committed Supreme Council Strategic Communications Team.
- NPD Outreach Analysis – Conduct and disseminate a comprehensive NPD outreach analysis.
- New Member Packet – Continue to produce and distribute a top quality New Member Packet.
- Website – Continually update and improve an effective and innovative Supreme Council Website.
- Leadership Workshops – Continue to hold Scottish Rite Leadership Workshops that support, enable and identify Membership focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs in support of the Scottish Rite Strategic Plan.
- Secretary Manual – Re-write the Scottish Rite Secretary Manual with specifics on how to become and remain a highly successful Valley in terms of membership, finances, development, public image and awareness, and delivering top value to members.
- Membership Goals – Develop and promulgate specific Valley and Orient Membership goals in areas of new initiations, restorations, and attrition.
- Best Practices, Lessons Learned, and Success Stories – Collect, analyze, and promulgate Valley and Orient Membership best practices, lessons learned, and success stories.
- SGIG and Deputy Manual – Create, promulgate, and utilize a SGIG and Deputy Manual with specifics on how to become and remain a highly successful Orient in terms of membership, finances, development, public image and awareness, and delivering top value to members.
- Celebrating the Craft Webcast – Conduct an annual Celebrating the Craft Webcast from the House of the Temple.
- Supreme Council Staff – To provide support to Orient and/or Valley Leadership Meetings and Events, when and as requested, via live or virtual presence with emphasis and priority being Membership focused Strategic Objectives and PTPs.
- Contact Information – Dedicated effort and process to obtain email addresses, addresses, and phone numbers for every member.
- Master Craftsman – Continue to support and improve the Master Craftsman Program.
- Valley Incentives – Establish specific incentives to be awarded to Valleys for achieving specific Membership focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs in support of the Scottish Rite Strategic Plan.
- Computer Service Support Data System – Develop and maintain an effective, flexible, and easy to use Scottish Rite Computer Services Support Data System.
- Membership Deliverables Initiative – Pursue and execute a Membership Deliverables Initiative in order to provide members with what they asked for at the 2014 (and subsequent) Leadership Workshops to help achieve the Membership goal of the Strategic Plan.
- Scottish Rite Brand and ‘Elevator Speech – Develop, promulgate, and use a Scottish Rite Brand and ‘Elevator Speech’ describing who we are, what we do and stand for, where we are, and why we do what we do.
- VMAP Coordinator or Committee – Establish and utilize a VMAP Coordinator and/or VMAP Committee or similar organization in every Valley and Orient.
- Podcasts and Webcasts – Produce periodic Scottish Rite Podcasts and Webcasts that support Scottish Rite Membership focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs in support of the Scottish Rite Strategic Plan.
- Journal and Newsletter Articles – Publish Scottish Rite Journal and Newsletter articles that support Scottish Rite Membership focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs in support of the Scottish Rite Strategic Plan.
- Fellows Program – Continue to support, refine, and improve the Scottish Rite Fellows Program.
- Videos – Continue to produce Scottish Rite Videos that support Scottish Rite Membership focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs in support of the Scottish Rite Strategic Plan.
- Social Media Programs – Have coordinated, synergistic, and effective Scottish Rite Social Media programs that support Scottish Rite Membership focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs in support of the Scottish Rite Strategic Plan.
- Scottish Rite Store – Continue to support and improve the Scottish Rite Store and its products.
- Museum and Library Newsletters – Produce periodic Scottish Rite Museum and Library newsletters./li>
- Freemason Network – Continue to support and develop the Scottish Rite Freemason Network.
- WSB Club – Continue to support and develop the Scottish Rite WSB Club.
- DeMolay and Youth Programs – Encourage Orient and Valley participation in DeMolay and other youth programs.
(Enhance financial strength via effective Finance and Development efforts and by increasing membership.)
Operational Strategies that support and must be accomplished to achieve Strategic Objective 2:
- Active, effective, and committed leadership (individual and committee) at all levels (Supreme Council, Orient, and Valley) to provide guidance, stability, and ultimate success of Finance and Development focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs.
- Effective, coordinated, and synergistic Supreme Council Strategic Communication plans and execution that support Finance and Development focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs.
- Effective partnership(s) with financial institution(s) to devise and execute successful short and long term financial strategies and investment policies at all levels (Supreme Council, Orient and Valley) to achieve the best possible financial results and overall financial health.
- Transparent accounting, staffing, and compensation practices that promote and achieve efficient and effective financial operations and decisions at all levels (Supreme Council, Orient, and Valley).
- Effective Supreme Council Major Donor, Grant, Affinity and other Finance and Development focused PTPs.
Finance and Development focused PTPs that support the Operational Strategies (in priority order):
- Supreme Council Committees – Active, effective, and committed Supreme Council Committees that each have at least a mission statement and goals.
- Rebuilding the Temple Campaign – Continue to support, pursue, and execute the Scottish Rite Rebuilding the Temple Campaign.
- Online Giving – Continue to support, pursue, and execute Online Scottish Rite giving.
- “Culture of Giving” – Continue to support a Scottish Rite creation of a “Culture of Giving.”
- Financial Reporting – Provide regular Scottish Rite financial reporting to Membership.
- Supreme Council Development and Foundation Committees – Active, effective, and committed Supreme Council Development and Foundation Committees.
- Contract Grant Writer – Continue to support and utilize a Scottish Rite Contract Grant Writer position.
- Orient Chairmen for Rebuilding the Temple Campaign – Continue to support and pursue Orient Chairmen in every Orient.
- Charitable Gift Annuities – Continue to support and pursue Scottish Rite Charitable Gift Annuities.
- Charitable Remainder Unitrusts – Continue to support and pursue Scottish Rite Charitable Remainder Unitrusts (CRUT).
- Wills / Bequests – Continue to support and pursue Scottish Rite Wills / Bequests.
- Major Donor Officers – Continue to support and pursue Scottish Rite Major Donor Officers to adequately and effectively cover the entire Jurisdiction.
- Comprehensive Development Program – Continue to support, pursue, and execute a Comprehensive Scottish Rite Development Program.
- Cash Pledges – Continue to support and pursue Scottish Rite Cash Pledges.
- Donor Recognition Program – Continue to support, pursue, and execute the Scottish Rite Donor Recognition Program.
- Renovation Newsletters and Email Updates – Continue to support and produce House of the Temple Renovation Newsletters and Email Updates.
- Journal Articles – Publish Journal and Newsletter articles that support Finance and Development focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs in support of the Scottish Rite Strategic Plan.
- Leadership Workshops – Continue to hold Scottish Rite Leadership Workshops that support Finance and Development focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs in support of the Scottish Rite Strategic Plan.
- Intendant of the Building Society – Continue to support and promote the Scottish Rite Intendant of the Building Society.
- Development Training Seminars – Conduct Scottish Rite Development Training Seminars.
- RiteCare Grants – Utilization of grants to assist the funding of Orient RiteCare Scottish Rite Childhood Language Programs.
- Podcasts and Webcasts – Produce periodic Supreme Council Podcasts and Webcasts that support Scottish Rite Finance and Development focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs in support of the Scottish Rite Strategic Plan.
- Black Hat Traveling Exhibit – Continue to support and conduct the Scottish Rite Black Hat Traveling Exhibit.
- Scottish Rite Friends Dinners – Continue to support and conduct Scottish Rite Friends Dinners.
(Have a recognized and respected Public Image that is valued by its members, the Masonic world, and the country.)
Operational Strategies that support and must be accomplished to achieve Strategic Objective 3:
- Effective, coordinated, and synergistic Strategic Communication plans and execution that supports Public Image and Awareness Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs to include media relations strategy to communicate the Scottish Rite Brand and all philanthropic activities.
- Develop, promulgate, and use a Scottish Rite ‘Brand’ and Scottish Rite ‘Elevator Speech’ describing who we are, what we do and stand for, where we are, and why we do what we do.
- Catalog, link, evaluate, and expand Scottish Rite Scholarship and Community Service / Outreach programs across the entire Jurisdiction.
- Active, effective, and committed leadership (individual and committee) at all levels (Supreme Council, Orient, and Valley) to provide guidance and ultimate success of Scottish Rite Public Image and Awareness Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs.
- Catalog current operating structure of RiteCare Scottish Rite Childhood Language Program centers and programs across the Jurisdiction and establish and promulgate best practices, lessons learned, and success stories.
Public Image and Awareness focused PTPs that support the Operational Strategies (in priority order):
- Strategic Communications Team – Active, effective, and committed Supreme Council Strategic Communications Team.
- Leadership Workshops – Continue to hold Scottish Rite Leadership Workshops that incorporate Public Image and Awareness focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs in support of the Scottish Rite Strategic Plan.
- Best Practices, Lessons Learned, and Success Stories – Collect, analyze, and promulgate Valley and Orient Public Image and Awareness best practices, lessons learned, and success stories.
- Journal and Newsletter Articles – Publish Scottish Rite Journal and Newsletter articles that support specific philanthropic and public awareness Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs in support of the Scottish Rite Strategic Plan.
- Buck Slip Advertisements – Put Buck Slip Advertisements that encourage and support Public Image efforts in returned Master Craftsman tests.
- Supreme Council Public Image and Awareness Committee – Establish and operate a Supreme Council Public Awareness Committee.
- Podcasts and Webcasts – Produce periodic Supreme Council Podcasts and Webcasts that support Public Image and Awareness focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs in support of the Scottish Rite Strategic Plan. Valley
- Incentives – Establish specific incentives to be awarded to Valleys for supporting and achieving Public Image and Awareness focused Strategic Objectives, Operational Strategies, and PTPs in support of the Scottish Rite Strategic Plan.
- Social Media Programs – Have coordinated, synergized, and effective Scottish Rite Social Media programs that support Public Image and Awareness strategic objectives, operational strategies, and PTPs in support of the Scottish Rite Strategic Plan.
- RiteCare Scottish Rite Childhood Language Program Coordinator / Director Position – Establish a staff position, funded by a grant, for a National RiteCare Scottish Rite Childhood Language Program Coordinator / Director to gain and provide information, awareness, and best practices on RiteCare Scottish Rite Childhood Language Programs and processes.