General Information – Library

Library Hours
MASKING UPDATE (3/1/22): The D.C. Mayor’s office has lifted the indoor mask mandate in most settings; therefore, **masks are now optional.** |
The House of the Temple Library is open Monday–Thursday, 9 am to 5 pm.
The library is closed Fridays and all Federal holidays.
Visitors are strongly encouraged to call 202–232–3579 or check the official Twitter account (@MasonicMuseum) prior to coming to confirm the library will be open.
Library Etiquette
To maintain a safe and welcome environment in our private Library, which is open to the public, we require all visitors to comply with our policies and rules.
Failure to comply with these policies and rules may result in termination of Library privileges and/or immediate removal from the Library and the House of the Temple premises.
General Policies
Library visitors are expected:
- To always maintain silence and proper decorum.
- To not enter the Library without a staff member present.
- To use headphones when listening to audio.
Prohibited Conduct
The following behavior is strictly prohibited:
- Engaging in conduct that disrupts or interferes with normal Library operations or that disturbs Library visitors or staff.
- Disregarding or refusing to follow this policy or instructions given by Library staff, designated Library staff assistants, or Supreme Council officers.
- Entering the Library stacks and/or removing book(s) from the shelves without authorization from the Library staff.
- Trespassing on Library or House of the Temple premises.
- Eating or drinking in the Library.
- Smoking or vaping anywhere in the House of the Temple.
- Making unreasonable noise, including loud talking or speaking on a mobile device.
Please Note: Library staff and/or House of the Temple security reserve the right to inspect patron backpacks or other storage-capable property of all who enter or leave the Library. Proper authorities will be called if requested inspection is refused.
Searching the Collections
The librarians in the Supreme Council Library are striving to have the best Masonic Library in the world. We are constantly updating and adding to our collection. If you are interested in a particular collection of books we have, to locate these you would:
- go to the online catalog ;
- at the top of the page, go to SEARCH then ADVANCED SEARCH then go to the SERIES search field;
- type in the collection of your search:
- The Albert Pike Collection
- Anti-Masonic Pamphlets
- Burnsiana (Robert Burns)
- Footsteps of Walgren 1851–1875
- Footsteps of Walgren 1876–1900
- International Masonic Collection
- International Masonic Periodicals
- Lincolnia Collection
- Masonic Addresses
- Masonic Collection
- Masonic Special Collection
- Special Collection (general books)
- The Taylor Collection
Once you pick the series, you will then see how many books are in that collection, and they will all be in alphabetical order.
The online catalogue is limitless on how you can search; this is just and example on how to do a “Series” search. If you ever need help, you can always call 202–232–3579 or email [email protected], and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.
Reference Links
Masonic Libraries
- Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives (Northern Masonic Jurisdiction)
- Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library (Grand Lodge of New York)
- Iowa Masonic Library
Classical Architecture
Institute of Classical Architecture and Art video Series: “The Foundations of Classical Architecture”
- Part 1 – Roman Classicism
- Part 2 – Greek Classicism
- Part 3 – Motifs & Details
- Part 4 – Classical Design Principles
Contact Us
The staff of the Library, Archives and Museum is available Monday–Thursday to assist the public in the use of the House of the Temple’s collections.
We encourage researchers with special requests to contact us in advance so that sources can be ready for their use.
- 202–232–3579
- [email protected]