May/June 2024

In this magazine:
- A. de Hoyos, “Which Is Rite for You? I’ll Take Both!”
- “Annual Report to Our Membership—2023”
- B. C. Ruli, “Br. Marquis de Lafayette’s Final American Tour, 1824–25”
- B. C. Ruli, “A Familiar Tune to Honor Br. Lafayette during His American Tour”
- S. Cockerham, “Rockin’ at the Rite in St. Louis”
- R. Winstead, “Melodies Immortal, Echoes of Paradise:” Masonic Composers of Light and Comic Opera
- M. Dreisonstok, “The Cardinal Virtue of Prudence: Is Prudence Always Positive?”
- D. Alban, “Ill. Stan Dodd, 33°: Setting a Benchmark for Excellence at the Scottish Rite, SJ”
- M. Hensley, “The Acacia Guild: Planting Seeds for the Future”
- J. Cole, Grand Commander’s Message, “Clouds”
- J. Corbett, The Masonic Traveler, “Nice! The Statue of Liberty on the French Riviera”
- T. Simpkins, M. Dreisonstok, & C. Dreisonstok, Chips from the Quarry, “Singers in the Quarry”
- Current Interest
- P.J. Roup, Notes from the Northern Light, “Why I Am”
- M. Dreisonstok, From the Pages of Amicus, “The Rough Ashlar Speaks! Recalling ‘A Fable in Stone'”
- S. Weissenberger, Cornerstones of the Craft, “The Square and the Compasses in Albert Pike’s Esoterika: Uniting Heaven and Earth, Part 2”
- M. Smith & A. Hammer, Book Reviews, “Adept in Harmony, Adept in Emulation”
- C. Dreisonstok, Masonic Puzzle, “Third Degree Word Search”