May/June 2022

In this magazine:
- N. Gregory, “Gentlemanliness, Freemasonry, and a True Example of Both”
- I. Kirkpatrick, “Why Is the North Dark?”
- A. Albright, “Describing the Ineffable,Part 2: The Tetragrammaton”
- M. Szramoski, “Who Said Nothing Good Is Free?”
- J. Sayne, “We Are in This Together”
- M. Poll, “The Mystery of Our Magazine’s Mysticus“
- S. Combee, “Celebrating 30 Years of Excitement, Hope, and Joy in Richmond”
- J. Burchfield, “A Sparkle of Light in North Carolina”
- M. Beachy, “Two Titans of American Music: Br. Florenz Ziegfeld and His Son, Founder of the Ziegfeld Follies”
- M. Tabbert, “Masonic Ceremony at Washington’s Funeral”
- Grand Commander’s Message, J. Cole, “A Little Light”
- Cornerstones of the Craft, R. Himmel, “Did You Know? Book Educates, Recalls Childhood Comics, and Anticipated Chips“
- Chips from the Quarry, T. Simpkin’s, M. Dreisonstok, & C. Dreisonstok, “The Korean War”
- Current Interest
- Notes from The Northern Light, J. Croteau, “Magnificent Architecture: Masonic Building Postcards”
- The Masonic Traveler, M. Dreisonstok, “In Brotherly Love: Visiting the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia”
- Book Reviews, S. B. Morris & W. Parks, Jr., “A Presidential Icon and a Warrior Mystic”
- Masonic Puzzle, E. McCarthy “4th Degree Word Search”