July-August 2021

The cover artwork is representative of the digital artwork and animation created and used throughout the production of the Cinematic Reunion. It is based in part on the original art used in the traditional Scottish Rite Member Patent.


In this magazine:

  • A. Shoemaker, Encourage vs. Criticize
  • R. Cockerham, Scottish Rite of Missouri Cinematic Reunions: Brotherhood at Its Finest
  • P. Mahoney, Build a Legacy, Create a Scholarship
  • C. Morgan III, New Scholarship Honors PSGC Ronald A. Seale, 33°
  • R.J.F. Elsner, Bible Study for Freemasons: The Parable of the Talents
  • M. Edwards, Scottish Rite Journal Artist and Paw Patrol Animator Brother Charles “Ted” Bastien Retires from the Journal
  • M. Szramoski, Designs on the Trestleboard: An Update on the Rebuilding the Temple Campaign; Part II: Orient-by-Orient Giving
  • G. Martin, The Masonic Music of John Philip Sousa
  • J. Danko, Towards a Source of Infinite Light
  • Plus: Grand Commander’s Message; Masonic Magicians; Cornerstones of the Craft; Chips from the Quarry; Current Interest; Notes from The Northern Light; The Masonic Traveler; Book Reviews; and the Masonic Puzzle!