July-August 2021
In this magazine:
- A. Shoemaker, Encourage vs. Criticize
- R. Cockerham, Scottish Rite of Missouri Cinematic Reunions: Brotherhood at Its Finest
- P. Mahoney, Build a Legacy, Create a Scholarship
- C. Morgan III, New Scholarship Honors PSGC Ronald A. Seale, 33°
- R.J.F. Elsner, Bible Study for Freemasons: The Parable of the Talents
- M. Edwards, Scottish Rite Journal Artist and Paw Patrol Animator Brother Charles “Ted” Bastien Retires from the Journal
- M. Szramoski, Designs on the Trestleboard: An Update on the Rebuilding the Temple Campaign; Part II: Orient-by-Orient Giving
- G. Martin, The Masonic Music of John Philip Sousa
- J. Danko, Towards a Source of Infinite Light
- Plus: Grand Commander’s Message; Masonic Magicians; Cornerstones of the Craft; Chips from the Quarry; Current Interest; Notes from The Northern Light; The Masonic Traveler; Book Reviews; and the Masonic Puzzle!