January/Februrary 2022

In this magazine:
- Annual Report to Our Members—2020
- M. Wharton, “Subduing Our Passions: Freemasonry’s Hidden Willpower Lesson”
- J. Kopel, “Masonic Ideals in President Theodore Roosevelt’s Address to Freemasons”
- J. Bozeman, “Visiting the World’s First Washington Monument” (The Masonic Traveler series)
- S. Karatas, “Buffalo Bill: Western Legend and Fondly-remembered Mason”
- C. Dreisonstok, “Light of Promise: The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls’ 100th Anniversary”
- M. Szramoski, “A Tale of Two Scholarships”
- J. Cole, “In Memoriam: Ill. Michael Duane Smith, Sr., 33°, Lieutenant Grand Commander”
- T. Simpkins and M. Dreisonstok, “Masons and the Golden Age of Radio” (Chips from the Quarry series)
- W. Thornton, “2022 RITE Way Membership Conferences”
- A. de Hoyos, “Ill. Cowles’s Past Grand Master’s Jewel” (House of the Temple Museum Highlight series)
- M. Smith, “The Pythagorean Triangle: A Selection from George Oliver’s Literary School of Freemasonry” (Cornerstones of the Craft series)
- B. Chris Ruli,Tolstoy, “Masonry, and a Prophetic New Age”
- J. McCrensky, “The Kabbalah: A Contemporary Path to Spirituality”
- R. Pulliam and W. Parks, Jr., “The Boston Tea Party and Much Other Masonic History” (Book Reviews)
- Seb Giroux, Masonic Word Search (Masonic Puzzle series)
- Plus, the Grand Commander’s Message (“A Humble Walk”), Notes from the Northern Light, and Current Interest!