Ill. Leonard Proden, 33°, SGIG in the District of Columbia (r.), and “Dad” Albert McNair Smith, 33°, Executive Officer in D.C. and Active Member of DeMolay International (l.), presented Bro. Kevin Eastridge (c.), with his and the Nation’s Capital DeMolay members their Adopt-a-Book certificates. Kevin and the rest of his DeMolay brothers donated funds from tip money from running the coat check at the Grand Lodge of DC’s annual communication. The Nation’s Capital DeMolay then took the money, put it towards the House of the Temple Preservation Foundation, and sponsored the preservation of the 1842 book, The Knights Templars, by C. G. Addison. The book was sponsored in honor of SGC Ronald A. Seale, 33°. Way to go Nation’s Capital DeMolay! Very special thanks to Peter Brusoe, 32° for setting it all up.
For more information on adopting a book to help restore the House of the Temple please go to, or call 1–866–448–3773.
—Submitted by Bro. Robert Heffelfinger, 32°