Front Row (left to right): RW Mack E. Johnson, 33°, Sr. Gr. Warden; RW Thomas F. Boduch, 33°, Deputy Gr. Master; MW & Rev. Dickie W. Johnson, KCCH, Grand Master; RW Laddie L. Wilson, KCCH, Jr. Gr. Warden. Back Row (left to right): RW David T. Hart, 32°, Gr. Secretary, and RW Thomas E. Hager, 33°, Gr. Treasurer.
Ill. Hoyt O. Samples, 33°, SGIG in Tennessee, issued a challenge to the elected line of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee for 2009: Take and complete the Master Craftsman Program. These six good brothers all rose to the challenge and promptly completed the six lessons. The graduates are shown here holding their copies of Ill. Arturo de Hoyos’s Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor and Guide, the MCP text book.