Photo (right): Bro. Brad greets a serviceman during his 2011 4th of July concert at the White House. Paisley is a strong supporter of our armed forces. (Photo courtesy the USO)
The Scottish Rite Tough Mudder Team is ready to “take the mountain” on Saturday, August 16, 2014, at Lake Tahoe, Calif. All 5 team members from last year have returned this year, and 8 new members have been added. This year, the Scottish Rite Tough Mudder Team for the event will start the 11-mile course at 12 noon. Although these are very grueling events, they are also fun events. In keeping with our Masonic mission of camaraderie, education, fellowship, brotherhood, and fraternity, we invite you to come join us on the mountain as a spectator. Read more about the event here: (above): Here is the 2013 Scottish Rite Tough Mudder team, none the worse for wear after completing the grueling obstacle course. These Masons are all back again this year and are being joined by 8 additional brethren. (Supreme Council, 33°, SJ, photo)