November-December 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011, the Grand Lodge, F.A.A.M., of the District of Columbia, reenacted the laying of the cornerstone of the House of the Temple—exactly 100 years after the original ceremony. A full article on this historic event will appear in the January-February 2012 Scottish Rite Journal. Pictured left to right are: Bros. William Talbott Ellison, Jr., 33°, Deputy Grand Master of Virginia (Junior Grand Warden); J. David Moses Rozsa, 32°, Junior Grand Deacon of D.C.; Teko A. Foly, 33°, Senior Grand Warden of D.C. (Deputy Grand Master); Joseph S. Crociata, 33°, Deputy Grand Master of D.C. (Grand Master); James T. Feezell, 32°, KCCH, Junior Grand Warden of D.C. (Senior Grand Deacon); and Stephen J. Ponzillo III, 33°, Grand Master of Maryland (Senior Grand Warden). (Photography: Bro. Arthur W. Pierson, 32°, Pierson Photography, Falls Church, Va.)