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Tuesday, October 18th will mark the 100-year anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the House of the Temple in Washington, D.C. The House of the Temple is not just one of the premier Masonic buildings in the world, it is also one of the world’s greatest buildings, period.
Built between 1911 and 1915 and designed by the famous Neo-Classical architect John Russell Pope, the House of the Temple is a landmark in Neo-Classicism. It was Pope’s first monumental commission and helped win him other important commissions in Washington such as the National Archives, the National Gallery of Art, and the Jefferson Memorial.
In celebration of its centenary, there will be a public re-enactment of the laying of the cornerstone by the Grand Master of Masons in the District of Columbia, Most Worshipful Jesse Villareal, and his Grand Lodge on Tuesday.
The Life Masonic will be there, and we will try and share some of the best moments from the events surrounding this wonderful event. So stay tuned for Episode 3: Cornerstone, coming your way at the end of the month.
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