Current Interest: The Life Masonic: A Master Craftsman Podcast

On August 21, 2011, the Supreme Council introduced The Life Masonic, a Master Craftsman podcast, and since then we have released four episodes that have been downloaded over 7,000 times.

For those unfamiliar, a podcast is like a radio show but over the Internet. You can download episodes and listen to them off-line later, or listen to them as a stream when you are online. If you want to download The Life Masonic, you can do so by going to the iTunes store, searching in the podcast section, and then clicking the link to “subscribe.” If you have a good Internet connection and just want to stream it, you can visit and click on the link to the left of the episode’s title and the show will start playing right there.

Each month on The Life Masonic, we take a theme and then explore that theme through interviews or stories from Masons around the country. Some you have already heard of, and some you’ll meet for the first time. Our first episode was “Research with S. Brent Morris,” where Ill. Bro. Morris talked about what scholarly Masonic research was and how anyone can do it. And in our most recent episode, “Leadership with Ronald A. Seale,” we talked to the Sovereign Grand Commander about his views on leadership and what he sees for the future of the Scottish Rite and Freemasonry in general.

Most exciting though, is that there is ample opportunity for our audience (you!) to talk back and be heard on the air. We have a dedicated phone line to leave recorded messages and several online places where our viewers can talk to each other and back to us about show topics.

If you would like to listen to the show and just can’t figure all this stuff out, give us a call and we’ll help you through it: 202–777–3123. If you’d like to leave a message for the show, call 442–777–3579. And if you’d like to join our online community, we are on The Freemason Network, Facebook, and Twitter @TheLifeMasonic.

—Submitted by Jason Van Dyke, Manager of Media & Public Relations