Ill. Edward H. Fowler Jr., 33°, Provincial Grand Master of the Royal Order of Scotland, presented the Scottish Rite Foundation, S.J., U.S.A. a check for $6,000 on behalf of the Sir Knights of the Provincial Grand Lodge. Accepting on behalf of the Supreme Council, SGC Ronald A. Seale, 33°, said, “This generous fraternal gift from the Royal Order will help the Scottish Rite treat children at our RiteCare clinics.”
The Royal Order of Scotland, an invitational Christian order dating from at least 1740, has two degrees, Heredom of Kilwinning and the Rosy Cross. Candidates must have been Master Masons for at least five-years and be a 32° Scottish Rite Mason or a Knight Templar. Further, all applicants must be entitled to honor in Freemasonry because of services performed for the Craft, the Church, or the Public. For more information, visit the Royal Order’s web site,