(Photo courtesy Bro. Jim Richberg, 32°, KCCH)
On March 7, 2010, the Valley of Greenville, South Carolina, held another successful “Massing of the Colors.” RW William B. Rogers, KCCH, JGW, is chairman of the Valley’s Americanism Committee and served as master of ceremonies for this patriotic occasion. Grand Master Barry A. Rickman, 33°, was among the many Masons and friends attending this moving event. The “massing” featured 33 color guard teams from the preteen Upstate Young Marines to the WWII veterans’ Marine Corps League, including the Grand Lodge Color Guard, JROTC groups from upstate South Carolina, the Clemson University Pershing Rifles Color Guard, seven consecutive national champion Pershing Rifle teams, the Hejaz Shrine Band, the York Rite, seven veterans and public service groups, and the Greenville Knights of St. Andrews Color Guard. Honoring the ceremony with their presence were Col. Victor Fienup and Sgt. Roy McJunkin, both WWII POWs, and SSgt. Frank Towley, a Korean POW. This stirring program honoring our flag, our military, and our nation has become a tradition in the Valley of Greenville which will surely continue for years to come.