Current Interest: Internet Lodge No. 9659 of England visits Sir Winston Churchill Lodge No. 351 of Minn. at the Brotherhood Summit

Internet Lodge

From June 2 to 5, 2011, several members of Internet Lodge No. 9659 of England made a special Masonic visit to Sir Winston Churchill Lodge No 351 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The purpose was to demonstrate the Master Mason degree in the English emulation ritual with the permission of the United Grand Lodge of England, which took place in the main auditorium of the Scottish Rite Temple in Minneapolis. MW Thomas E. Hendrickson, Grand Master of Masons in Minnesota was also in attendance at this demonstration, which was a first in Minnesota Masonic history. There were approximately 250 Masons in attendance. After the ritual demonstration, a festive board took place at the Minneapolis Club in downtown Minneapolis. There was excellent food, accompanied by wine taking and “Masonic Fire.” Both national anthems and other singing took place, and all was brought to a fine conclusion by the Tyler’s Toast given by our tyler of the day, John Gann.
—Submitted by James W. Hogg, 32°


MW Thomas E. Hendrickson, Grand Master of Minnesota, with RW James W. Hogg, PDDGM of Florida and Junior Warden of Internet Lodge, clothed as the Inner Guard of Internet Lodge No. 9659.