Bro. Frank Woodruff Buckles, 32°, KCCH, the last surviving American veteran of WWI, passed away on February 27, 2011. Born February 1, 1901, he joined the US Army in 1917 at age sixteen and served as an ambulance driver in Europe. He was a member of the Valley of Wheeling, West Virginia.
Ill. Walter Breuning, 33°, the oldest American man, passed away on April 14, 2011, at the age of 114. Born September 21, 1896, he was a retired railroad man and lived in a retirement home in Great Falls, Montana. Every morning he would put on his suit and tie and go to the lobby and flirt with the “girls”—any lady under the age of 90! He joined the Scottish Rite in 1937 and received the 33° in 1958.
“We cherish their memories in our hearts and commend their spirits to God who gave them.”