April Showers?

Photo of Grand Commander Ronald A. Seale, 33°

Ronald A Seale, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander

Spring has been laboriously slow in making its debut in Washington, D.C., this year. We found ourselves moving snow and ice yet again from our driveways and sidewalks at the same time our internal body clocks were signaling that we should be about weeding the garden, placing mulch in the flower beds, and servicing the lawn mower for another tour of duty. Even so, Spring is always a time of renewal and regeneration as things long thought dead again spring to newness of life. It’s one of the miracles we can revisit and take inspiration from year after year. Spring is also a time of reenergizing ourselves and, I would hope, our efforts for Freemasonry.

Every week I receive many Valley and Orient bulletins and newsletters, and they are always a joy to read as I find out what my brothers are doing across our jurisdiction. Many of these newsletters present solid Masonic articles and education as well as inspirational writings on our Masonic experience. For instance, I recently had the pleasure of reading the newsletter from the Valley of Everett, Washington, and an article by the Personal Representative, Ill. Wayne Smith, 33°, entitled, “April Showers,” caught my eye.

Spring time and April are timeless and come regularly each year. To the observant eye, every Spring is unique with new visions of moving beauty and freshness, and Bro. Wayne’s words inspired me to look a little closer at the beauty around me. We all can use the inspiration of Spring as we go through our daily routines and make plans for tomorrow. I hope that your plans include renewed dedication to the Scottish Rite and the tenets of Masonry. Ill. Smith’s words, while written for the Valley of Everett, should be heeded by all. It is my pleasure to share them with you this month with Bro. Wayne’s permission.

We have survived the month of March which “comes in like a lion and goes out like a Lamb” with the Spring Solstice on March 20, when the day and night are each both approximately twelve hours long. It is time to begin planning for the Summer and for the Scottish Rite. We all remember the song “April Showers Bring May Flowers,” and we hope that April will have some sunny periods along with showers. We need the May flowers in our gardens, homes, Masonry, and Scottish Rite. We need to sow the seeds of greater activity and participation now so we may harvest them in due time. I am of course reminded by the words of President John F. Kennedy, “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” The same is true for Scottish Rite—just replace the word country with Scottish Rite.

Spring is an excellent opportunity for all of us to look back and closely examine what we have done to contribute to Masonry and Scottish Rite and then plant the seeds of increased participation and service to our Craft, our families, and our communities. In Galatians 6:7 we read “For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Brethren, now is the time to plan and plant for the future. Let us carefully select and nurture those seeds, plants, and plans so they may come forth and flower and bear fruit.

In our plans remember to pay the “wages” that are due to our spouses, significant others, and families. It is only with their support that we can work within Masonry to improve ourselves to become better husbands, fathers, and men.

The journey we have each gladly undertaken whereby we break off the corners and irregular surfaces of our rough ashlars is one of the things that distinguish us as Masons among men. Let us now insure that our families and the community know us as Masons by all of our actions, not just because we have Masonic license plates or an emblem on our lapel. This is the time to sow what we desire to reap and then to thank the Great Architect of the Universe for the April showers that bring May flowers.

Wayne I. Smith, 33°
Personal Representative of the SGIG
Valley of Everett, Washington